The one I'm cutting out in the picture above is only AO long, so if I do a really big one it will be interesting trying to get straight edges. Anyway, I really like the way the fold-out booklet works, the mechanics of it are quite satisfying and I like the way you can make a whole book out of one bit of paper. I managed to get a version printed on tracing paper to show in our tutorial and I love the way the images layer up - I think this could definitely be the way forward. I'm going to come back later in the week and get on with the final piece. I have found in the past that the design of the book itself will be quite a fluid, intuitive process, and the design will evolve while I'm working on it. It will look really good with some covers and maybe some text, I also need to consider some sort of cover or case... I've now got just under two weeks left of this project, and things are finally coming together! Better late than never I suppose.
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